Privacy Policy

This document “Privacy Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) represents the rules for using the resources of the platform trillion (cloud system) (hereinafter referred to as “trillion”) of the User’s personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to the website (the “Site”). Before viewing Trillion, be sure to read the text containing the privacy policy of the site you are using. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please stop using this Site.

By filling out any form and using this Site, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy set forth below.

trillion protects the User's privacy.



1. General Provisions


1.1. In this Policy, the User is understood as a legally capable individual who has acceded to this Agreement in his own interest or acting on behalf and in the interests of the legal entity he represents, using and/or registered on the Site.

1.2. By registering on the Site, the User freely, of his own free will and in his own interests, gives perpetual irrevocable consent to any methods of processing his personal data, including any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data , including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data for the purposes established by this Policy.

1.3. The scope of this Policy is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine.



2. Personal information


2.1. Personal information in this Policy means:

2.1.1. Information that the User provides about himself independently during registration or authorization, as well as in the process of further use of the Site, including the User’s personal data.

2.1.2. Data that is transmitted automatically depending on the User’s software settings, including, but not limited to: IP address, cookies, data about the software and equipment used by the User for working in the communication network, including the Internet, parameters and settings of Internet browsers information and materials transmitted and received using the Site.

2.2. trillion is not responsible for the use of the User's Personal Information by third parties with whom the User interacts while using the Site.

2.3. The User understands and accepts the possibility of posting software from third parties on the pages of the Site, as a result of which such persons may receive the anonymized data specified in clause 2.1.2.

Such third party software may include, but is not limited to:

- systems for collecting visit statistics (for example, counters, Google Analytics, etc.);

- social plugins (blocks) of social networks (for example, Facebook, etc.);

- banner display systems (for example, AdRiver, etc.);

- other systems for collecting anonymized information.

The user has the right to independently limit the collection of such information by third parties, using the standard privacy settings of the Internet browser used to work with the Site.

2.4. trillion has the right to establish requirements for the composition of the User's Personal Information, which must be provided in order to use the Site. If certain information is not marked by trillion as mandatory, its provision or disclosure is carried out by the User at its own discretion.

2.5. trillion does not verify the accuracy of the Personal Information provided, believing that the User acts in good faith, carefully and makes every effort to keep such information up to date.



3. Purposes of processing Personal information


3.1. trillion carries out processing, including the collection and storage of only that Personal information that is necessary for concluding and executing contracts with the User.

3.2. trillion has the right to use Personal Information in particular for the following purposes:

- Concluding agreements for the use of the Site;

- Fulfillment of obligations under concluded agreements, including providing the User with access to the Site;

- Identification of the User as part of the fulfillment of obligations under agreements concluded with him;

- Providing technical support in connection with the use of the Site;

- Providing communication with the User for the purpose of information services and improving the quality of the Site, including through notification with the involvement of third parties;

- Use of anonymized data to target advertising and/or information materials by age, gender, and other characteristics;

- Conducting marketing, statistical and other research based on anonymized data.



4. Requirements for the protection of Personal information


4.1. trillion stores Personal Information and ensures its protection from unauthorized access and distribution in accordance with internal rules and regulations.

4.2. With regard to the User's Personal Information, its confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the technology of the Site provided or the settings of the software used by the User provide for open exchange of information with any Internet users.

4.3. trillion has the right to transfer Personal Information to third parties in the following cases:

- The User has expressed his consent to such actions, including cases where the User uses settings of the software used that do not limit the provision of certain information;

- The transfer is necessary as part of the User’s use of the functionality of the Site;

- In connection with the transfer of the Site into the possession, use or ownership of such a third party, including the assignment of rights under agreements concluded with the User in favor of such a third party;

- At the request of a court or other authorized government body within the framework of the procedure established by law;

- To protect the rights and legitimate interests of Zendo.Cloud in connection with violation of agreements concluded with the User.



5. Change of Personal Information


5.1. In order to improve the efficiency of the Site and ensure the possibility of legal protection, trillion has the right to store log files about the actions performed by the User while using the Site, as well as in connection with the conclusion and execution by the User of the Policy and other agreements on its part.

5.2. trillion reserves the right to change, add or remove clauses of this Policy at any time without notifying the User.

5.3. Continued use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Policy and changes made to this Policy.

5.4. The User has the right at any time to independently edit the Personal information provided during registration or authorization.

5.5 The User is personally responsible for checking this Policy for any changes to it.

5.6. The current version of the Policy is located on the Website on the Internet at



6. Cookies


6.1. On our Site we use cookies, which may involve the processing of your personal data.

Cookies are text files that are stored in your Internet browser or by your Internet browser when you visit the Site. The cookie file contains a characteristic set of characters that allows you to uniquely identify the browser when you access the Site again.

6.2. By remaining on the Site, you agree to the placement of cookies for the purpose of analyzing the use of the Site. If you do not want to accept cookies, you must stop using the Site.